Вечная корпорация

Perpetual Corporation

Что такое Вечная корпорация?

The Perpetual Corporation™ Unlocking Enduring Stability and Growth Perpetual Corporation is a groundbreaking concept invented by Marc René Deschenaux that aligns the interests of management, staff, investors, shareholders, and creditors. By raising a large initial capital and investing it in secure assets like real estate and fixed-income securities, the corporation operates on a self-sustaining model […]

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Конкурентные преимущества Бессрочной корпорации

Модель Perpetual Corporation предлагает беспрецедентные преимущества, такие как долгосрочное стратегическое планирование, прочная переговорная сила, возможность избежать скомпрометированных сделок, устойчивый рост на фондовой бирже и гарантия существования корпорации. Узнайте, как ваша организация может использовать эти конкурентные преимущества для обеспечения своего будущего.

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IPO Cascade - Perpetual Corporations

Каскад IPO бессрочных корпораций

The combined characteristics of creating a Cascade Program focused exclusively on launching Perpetual Corporations results in a level of stability, continuity and perenniality that provides an overwhelming competitive advantage. Enshrining the perpetual nature of the issuing corporations, in the bylaws and shareholder agreements, protects the capital structure from potential future corporate raiders. It also ensures

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Marc Deschenaux

Марк Рене Дешено

Co-Founder & Partner

Marc Deschenaux is a world expert in Corporate Finance from private offerings to Initial Public Offerings (IPO’s). He raised private and public, equity and debt, for companies internationally. He also financed various types of operations, from import/export transactions to Real Estate Investment Trusts and organized governments loans.



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